Today was the first day of my schedule. Well, I would say, I was partially successful. Today I ‘almost’ woke up quite early in the morning; I snoozed my alarm for about 5 times and finally woke up 45 minutes behind my schedule. Yesterday night my neighbour's daughter was locked out and she was waiting for her parents at my place. Her parents came home at around 11:30pm and we went to bed after 12 am. Therefore I was not able to sleep the required eights hours.
After waking up I definitely took the lime juice. The meditation part was only for 30 seconds, I got too bored to take it further. I was just about to leave for my brisk walking when hubby dear woke up and declared he wants to take the privilege of going for a walk. Husband’s logic is ‘Why would a person like me need a walk..It is only for the privileged class who go to office and not for the working class homemakers’. I once again “sacrificed” and stayed back home for my sleeping son.
Next, I concentrated on preparing the breakfast, when, “pyaaaaaaaa” son woke up. He came crying to the kitchen and demanded that I carry him. He said “Ma kule” He cannot yet pronounce the ‘o’ and all his “o’ are replaced with ‘e’ or ‘u’. Therefore ‘kole’ is ‘kule’, ‘boshe’ is ‘bushe’ and ‘potty’ is ‘petty’. After getting on my lap he declared ‘ma, petty” and so I rushed him to the loo. This sudden urgent job displaced me further from my schedule.
At last after overcoming few hurdles, breakfast was ready, lunch was packed, bed was made, and room was cleaned (cleaned and re-cleaned, as every time I was cleaning son was messing it up). It was time to drop sonny to school. After dropping him I decided to enjoy some ‘Me-time’ and went to a bookstore(my favourite place on earth). I was just leafing through the pages of Amitav Ghosh’s River of Smoke when I got a frantic call from my neighbor. He said that my door was not opening. My maid had come to work and she was not able to open the door as it was jammed. I bid goodbye to Ghosh and his new book and came home immediately. In front of my door, I saw: my well built neighbor, his petite wife and my maid all were clinging to the door and trying in different way to push it open. I also joined them, but I knew that if my ‘huge’ neighbor was unable to open it “ami to kon chaar”. Finally carpenter was called. He opened the door in a fraction of a second. Thank god! Atleast I didn’t have to stay stranded in front of my door for the rest of the day. All along this door episode I was cursing my hubby. It was his negligence that we were stuck. He knew about this problem long before but never bothered to fix it.
Anyways Day 1 of my journey was quite eventful. looking forward to day 2.